Events & Education
Please check back often for updates and Si-Lab sightings!
Si-Lab is committed to bridging research and practice. We share our work through multiple formats to improve the understanding of dysphagia across healthcare disciplines. Watch this space for current Si-Lab engagements.
Call for Research Participants
We are looking for research participants! Please contact us for more information.
October 2023 – AeroDigest 2023 (Oct 14-15)
Please join us for our inaugural AeroDigest Symposium – attendance is FREE! This two-day event will have multiple sessions, delivered by world-renowned speakers, on aerodigestive tract anatomy, physiology, clinical research and more! Find out more information here.
September 2019
Join us at the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences 50th Anniversary celebration. Come visit Si-Lab, attend our poster and research presentations. Please see the SASS Anniversary web page for details!

July 2019
Si-Lab invites you to attend Veronica Letawsky’s master’s thesis defence on July 23, 2019 at SASS (Friedman Bldg), UBC-Vancouver.
Committee: Drs. Stacey Skoretz (supervisor), Camilla Dawson, Caroline Nguyen
May 2019
Si-Lab master’s thesis student Veronica Letawsky is presenting at the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Research Day hosted by the UBC Language Sciences Initiative at the Vancouver Campus (May 13th, 2019).
Authors: Letawsky, V., Dawson, C., Holman, PJ., & Skoretz, SA.
April 2019
For the first time, Si-Lab is at Experimental Biology 2019 (Orlando, FL) this month. Our presentations have been accepted by two host societies: American Association of Anatomists (as part of Master Class: Head and Neck Anatomy) and the American Physiological Society (as part of Translational Physiology).
Authors: Skoretz, SA.
Authors: Skoretz, SA., Haulena, M., Akhurst, L., Johson, E., Dawson, C.
March 2019
Si-Lab will be presenting at two conferences this month.
Authors: Dawson, C., Haulena, M, Skoretz, SA.
Authors: Skoretz, SA., Serviss, A, Skogsrud, K., Benoit, A, Kurian, M, Dawson, C.
Authors: Skoretz, SA., Abrams, N., Riopelle, S., Dawson, C.
Authors: Shi, J., Dawson, C., Skoretz, SA.